Senior Spotlight: Kimi Ampolu
Graduation is less than a month away! As summer approaches, we must bid goodbye to the class of 2014. The seniors this year have accomplished so much and have extremely bright futures ahead of them. In the midst of all the excitement, I had the opportunity to sit down with senior Kimi Ampolu.
What are your plans for the future? What college are you attending and what’s your major?
“I’m attending Carnegie Mellon University in the fall for Business. I plan to get my MBA afterwards and start working in the finance field.”
What will you miss the most?
“I’ll probably miss all the great friends and teachers that I had at Lenape the most. I’ve definitely had an amazing time in high school and I owe it all to them.”
What clubs/activities were you a part of at Lenape?
“I was a part of NHS, DECA, FBLA, Renaissance, Chem Club, Asian Club, Science League, Debate Team, and a few other clubs at Lenape”
What would you say the hardest part of high school was?
“The hardest part of high school for me was getting used to the amount of work that my classes required, and constantly having to stay motivated to get through it.”
Do you have any advice for underclassmen?
“My advice for underclassmen would be to challenge yourself throughout high school because you honestly have much more potential than you believe you do. Try to get involved in a bunch of clubs and activities because you meet a lot of great people, and also get a feel for what interests you in life. Work hard, have fun, and enjoy Lenape for all that it truly is. “

raja • Oct 30, 2016 at 22:40
raja • Oct 26, 2016 at 00:57