Back to School Night
This past Thursday was Lenape’s Back to School Night. Back to School Night gives the parents of current Lenape students a chance to walk around the school meeting with their child’s teachers. The order in which the parents meet with teachers is based on their child’s own personal schedule. Lenape’s parking lot was completely filled due to the amount of parents showing up.
A lot of students walked around showing parents where to go. Teachers stood outside their classroom’s directing parents to the correct hallways. It is noticeable and expected that most of the parents at the school have a child who is a current freshman. “I’m not happy he’s in high school. I still think of him as four years old. He is my oldest child and my other son will become a freshman next year,” mentioned a mother of a current freshman.
For some of the parents this was their first night of Back to School at Lenape, for others this will be their last. “This is exciting. It’s been a crazy year with having to get applications in. Her two hardest subjects are science and math so I look forward to visiting those classes,” added a mother of one of the seniors.
Back to School Night is certainly not a mandatory event with only about half of the student’s parents actually making an appearance. Some parents find Back to School Night hectic with trying to find their way around the school, but for most it is useful and a great way to find out what is going on in their children’s lives.