The Return of the Tanners
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the Netflix original series Fuller House released its first season on February 26th. This lead to the internet exploding with 90’s kids reminiscing about the classic sitcom they grew up with, Full House, which the new show is based off of. Because the series went off the air in 1995, none of our current Lenape students were around to see it in all its glory, but we’ve all seen our fair share of reruns on channels such as Nick at Nite and ABC Family. Now, the Tanner clan is picking up where they left off, 21 years later. If you have never seen a single episode of Full House and have absolutely no idea what I or the entire country is talking about, let me fill you in.
The first episode of Full House first aired on September 22, 1987, and introduced Danny Tanner, a recently widowed San Francisco news anchor and father of three girls: DJ, Stephanie, and baby Michelle. He asks his brother in law, Jesse, and his best friend, Joey, to move in with him and help raise his daughters. As the show progresses, the unique family also welcomes DJ’s best friend Kimmy and high school sweetheart Steve, along with Jesse’s wife Becky and later their identical twin boys, Nicky and Alex. Each episode featured some type of life lesson, usually revolving around family or problems the girls face while growing up, and usually ended with a heart-to-heart talk. Along with this drama came PG rated comedy, making it a perfect show for the entire family to sit together and watch every week. The new spin-off focuses on, well, pretty much the same thing.
There is an overwhelming amount of parallels between the old and new series. Some are nostalgic, such as the same blue and white striped couch in the living room that was used all throughout the original series, and some have a modern twist, such as Carly Rae Jepsen’s version of the original theme song “Everywhere You Look” now with a poppy vibe. However, most of these similarities are plot-based, and are just uncanny. DJ Tanner-Fuller(as in Fuller House), just like her father, is a widow with three sons, Jackson, Max, and baby Tommy Jr. Just as Danny asked the help of his best friend and brother, DJ’s best friend, a grown up Kimmy, and sister, a grown up Stephanie, offer to help out with the boys. Unlike the original Tanner family, the new Fuller family also includes Ramona, the daughter of Kimmy and her ex-husband Fernando. Don’t worry, the other cast members make cameos in the first episode and throughout the season, too. This includes Steve, who is now divorced and trying to win back the now widowed DJ. Well, it’s been great catching up with the characters, but is the show any good?
To be honest, I was cringing and face palming all throughout the episodes I watched. As much as I would love to praise the show, it was cheesier than pizza, and that last joke. I was wondering why I wasn’t enjoying the show as much as I used to when I was little, and I realized the answer was plain and simple: I grew up. It’s just like our generation looks at the new Disney channel and Nickelodeon shows, feeling bad for today’s kids that have to grow up with these cheesy shows rather than the hilarious shows we remember, when the truth is, they are all equally cheesy. The only thing that has changed is our sense of humor, which now consist of more mature topics. Although, I can say the show is perfect to watch when you are with younger children, and at the end of a long, stressful day when you just want a light-hearted laugh, a heart-warming moral, and a guaranteed happy ending. The show will take you back to your childhood, when times where much simpler, making it a perfect escape from teenage life whenever you may need it.