Senior Day of Service!
Senior Day of Service is an opportunity for seniors to give back to their community by cleaning up local beaches, planting in local areas, or even entertaining and educating elementary schoolers.

German IV and AP Spanish V travelled together to Parkway Elementary School, here in Mount Laurel. Both of them performed abbreviated and translated versions of popular movies. While German performed Cinderella, Spanish tackled Finding Nemo.

AP Italian and French IV visited Chairville Elementary School, which is in Medford. While French sang two traditional french songs, Italian performed a translated version of the classic, “The Wheels on the Bus.”

I was a part of the Italian class, and I actually had a lot of fun entertaining the children. It was amazig to see them get excited when they were able to use their knowledge on “The Wheels on the Bus” to guess the vocabary words that were used in our “Le Route Del Bus.” Also, the French and Italian classes were singing at the break station from their Field Day at Chairville Elementary, so we performed ten separate times for each incoming group. It was really interesting to see how each different grade reacted to the performances, and to see how quickly children develop throughout their short time at elementary school.

Lenape’s Senior Day of Service really gives students amazing opportunities to serve their community by treating it as a celebration, instead of a chore. When each separate group returned back to Lenape, seniors were able to stay outside and enjoy the sun, free pizza, time to socialize with friends, and to simply relax after their taxing day.