Pride Day

Another exciting Pride Day has come and gone, with the halls of Lenape filled with red, gray, and lots of school spirit! Let’s recap all of the fun activities that Lenape students did throughout the day.
The day started out with the filming of the lip dub video, organized by Branden Spitzer, Shannon Freedman, and Megan Ruskey, where members of Lenape clubs and sports teams spread throughout the school and lip synced to popular songs of the year and past morning songs.
Find the video here: Lenape 2018 Pride Day Lip Dub.
The open campus part of Pride Day was filled with Sudoku, magic shows, board games, karaoke, projected movies, mini golf, face painting, and so much more!
The day ended as always with the Pride Day pep rally where each class competed for the honor of getting the Lenape spirit stick. Classes competed in games to show off their class pride such as tug-of-war, egg roulette, class roller coaster, tic-tac-toe relay, and rock paper scissor hula hoops. The seniors also performed their amazing senior skit which went along with the homecoming theme of pixar movies. The competition was fierce, but the seniors took the win.

Even though not everyone was a winner, it was great to see everyone coming together to support their school!